Time To Invent
TTI mentors plan monthly hands-on activities to introduce students to new concepts and fields in science and enginering.

Each month the activity is led by a mentor from a different field, giving students a snapshot of how different types of scientists and engineers have fun, important jobs. Other mentors (including graduate and undergraduate scientists and engineers) attend the visits to work with students and explain how the concept also applies to the work in their field.
Lead mentors (graduate students from the University of Washington) start the visit by introducing themselves and the research they do. They describe the activity and its application to the real-world and then give students the chance to ask questions or give examples of how it relates to their lives. Students then split into teams with 1 or 2 mentors to complete the activity! Mentors encourage teamwork and critical thinking as the students move through the activity. At the end of the visit the girls have an opportunity to briefly present what they designed or their experimental findings to the rest of the group. We close with a brief group discussion of what we all learned and why it is important to our lives!